Specialist trade fair and presentations all about occupational safety. We'll introduce you to new products and services
Die Secumundi GmbH has been working in the world of occupational safety, occupational health and various areas of occupational safety softwares for more than 20 years.
Secumundi stands for Quality and Safety..
An expert team of occupational health and safety specialist, occupational physicians, IT engineering and quality management develop unique platform of software and service solutions.
From the app to the completely integrated EHS Manager+ Software to our comprehensive services in occupational and health safety, we provide everything you need!
Software and mobile app to set up the entire documentation in occupational and health safety.
MORE INFOComprehensive software in occupational safety
Simple and efficient documentation from hazard assessments, protocols and instructions to comprehensive action plans. Expert templates with specific contents for careful application. Ready to use templates for all important occupational safety tasks in one app.
Efficient implementation of working equipment inspections
With our app, the documentation of test results and the possible anomalies is easier than ever before! Specific checklists and templates (based on the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) and relevant DIN standards) are developed by experienced testers and can be used directly from them. An extension of these templates to include your test points is possible at any time.
UVV Inspection Software
Fast and efficient implementation of working equipment inspections. Our apps are designed to do just that.
MORE INFOSolution for simple documentation of occupational health documentation for small and medium sized companies (SMEs).
The cost-effective and simple solution for the support of small companies pursuant to the Occupational Physicians and Occupational Safety Specialists Regulation 2 (DGUV Vorschrift 2). You will be supported in fulfilling the legal, official and trade association requirements. The SiGePortal is an online platform with prepared occupational safety documents and is designed to meet the needs of those responsible for occupational safety.
Efficient electronic online training
Online-based interactive training enables efficient training in the field of occupational safety and occupational medicine because supervisors and managers do not have to develop training materials or assemble employees. Your effort is reduced to the supervision of the training progress.
Seminars & Education
In-depth training and further education based around occupational safety
MORE INFOCompany-oriented occupational safety consultation
Our partners in occupational medicine, safety engineers, and EHS experts consult your company in all areas of occupational safety. The relevant occupational safety topics are systematically adapted and implemented to your individual needs. We can rely on 30 years of experience in support of our customers pursuant to the DGUV Regulation 2 and the Working Conditions Act (ArbSchG).
Highly qualified consulting in all aspects of occupational safety and occupational medicine
MORE INFOOur software received the Software Hosted in Germany Award
We are a member of The Federal Association of IT for Midsize Companies (BITMi e.V.) and we want to highlight our software “made in Germany”
The Administrative Employers' Liability Insurance Association awarded our app the occupational safety prize.
I will control my system with UVV apps Easily..
Dr. Thomas Schnohr
Ich mache alle meine UVV-Prüfungen mit den Secumundi Apps. Die Zeitersparnis ist unglaublich. Dazu sehen noch alle Protokolle einheitlich aus. Das war ohne diese Apps sehr viel Aufwand.
Dr. Thomas Schnohr, PFK Group GmbH
Alles was ich als Sicherheitsfachkraft brauche, ist im EHS Manager+ enthalten. Super finde ich, dass ich meine eigenen Vorlagen erstellen kann. Das hilft mir sehr und durch die Automatisierung muss ich mich nicht mehr um aufwendige Nachbearbeitung kümmern
Tomy Sobetzko, PFW Aerospace GmbH
Wir setzen verschiedene App´s von Secumundi ein. Von Prüfer App´s bis zum EHS Manager. Der Service ist immer sehr zu vorkommend und schnell.
Tobias Pascher
Die Regalprüfer App von Secumundi setzen wir schon seit Jahren ein. Bisher als iPad Version. Sehr gut ist, dass die App jetzt auch als Androidversion verfügbar ist. Das gibt uns eine größere Flexibilität in der Auswahl der Endgeräte.
Matthias Kellner